Sunday, April 12, 2009

Blessed Ostara, Happy Easter and Passover.  

Today is a bit cool but sunny and I am enjoying the family (all 3 of us this year) hanging out and having a good time.  Even though the Peanut is almost 13 he still likes the little things, like hiding the eggs, the basket filled with yummy chocolate and a small gift of sorts.  He knows the Easter Bunny is a figment of my imagination but he humors me.  I refuse to discuss Santa with him, but I did give over on the Tooth Fairy.

When I was growing up, we celebrated Easter with the grandparents in Sarasota, Florida.  I always had a frilly dress (no laughing, please) with shiny shoes and a white hat.  I remember one year that my frilly dress being almost to small and getting into a tussle with some boy in Sunday school (no surprise there) and coming out afterwards to meet up with my parents who did their best to contain their laughter.  The whole front of my dress had ripped and the frazzled Sunday School teacher used many safety pins to hold it all together.

I am looking forward to a glorious Spring and getting lots of planting done and telling Mother Earth she is loved.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Still down

I am still relegated to only 15 minutes a day at the computer and I am going nuts.  Some small silly technical difficulty is keeping me from using my son's laptop for now but I vow to get back to writing more than the mere couple of hundred words a day!

Still no work from agent #2 query.  Now news is good news.. right?