Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It can't be puberty yet? Can it?

He's just a boy. Okay well he is soon to turn 11. Yes, I know he turned 10 last year and I had a hard time accepting the passing of time and it ain't getttin much better. This summer he has grown some and his appetite is off the charts some days and nonexistent others. But the emotional outbursts have been a big roller coaster this year.. OMG. Most often happening around bedtime between he and his father, over the littlest things. Last night was over the quality of his tooth brushing. You'd have thought we had asked for him to be carted off to jail! Then once the outburst is done comes the woeful remorse.

We have moved his bedtime back to hopefully allow for more sleep, we have moved any sugar to the mid-day time and lessened it. (not that he was allowed much anyway) and we are trying to remain calm when he is not. Not an easy thing to do.

Can it be puberty already? I'm not ready for this yet.