Tuesday, September 09, 2008

12 years!

Today is my son's 12th birthday. 12 YEARS! Born on 9/9/96 at 9:29am, 9lbs. 8.2oz. 20.5" (and that was 3 weeks early too) He was only a few hours old when he raised his head and looked up at his Auntie M. He has been a strong, solid kid since day one. Adventurous, loving and thankfully forgiving. When he was little, he wanted to be a pirate/fireman. Now he wants to be a lego designer or a designer/engineer for saving the earth. I believe that he will do whatever he decides and do it with gusto.

Happy Birthday Peanut!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Santa Cruz

I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Right now, that is quite the topic on the national news cycle, because of the Summit fire. That fire is about 30 miles south/east of us with lots of rugged terrain in between.

I live among the sand hills in the San Lorenzo Valley. Dig around here and you'll find shark's teeth and shells. We also have manzanita, redwood, oak and pine. All dry from the lack of our usual deluge of yearly rain. The past two years we've had half our normal rainfall. Living here, you know in the back of your mind, that one day you may have to evacuate. Normally, you get used to down power lines in the winter and blocked roads. Yesterday trees toppled power lines less than a mile from my house. I had left home to go and get the Peanut at school and came upon downed trees and thick plumes of smoke and then the local fire department coming right behind me. I beat a hasty retreat back home, called the Hubby to go and get Peanut and to be prepared. Thankfully several local fire stations quickly took charge of the area and with the help of 2 fire planes diverted from the Summit Fire, our local fire was under control in an hour. Those planes flew so low over our house, I swear I could see the pilot.

I want to thank the fire crews of Ben Lomond, Zayante, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz, Felton, Cal Fire, The California Youth Authority as well as the pilots of the planes for their quick response. As well as thanking all those firefighters on the front lines of the Summit Fire.

Want to help? Donate to the Red Cross who will be helping lots of displaced folks who have lost everything.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Reptile day at the zoo

No, I haven't been to the zoo lately. I live in one. Since Imp has shown the kittens his catch by bringing it into the house, they are now bringing their catch of the day into the house too. Just last week alone, I have found 4 live alligator lizards and 3 dead blue belly lizards. Most of the lizards are minus a tail too. Although the latest lizard seems to have spent the night in a pile of dirty clothes on the floor, thus making sure he retained his tail for today... today.

But Imp does deserve praise as well. Last night be brought a mole to the front door. I can get into this since the little buggars tear up my lawn. I'd have to admit that I like reptile week much more than rodent or bird.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cats Rule

We have 3 cats. Imp, is about 4 years old, quite loving and still playful. Even plays tag with the Hubby. And he is a voracious hunter. It is not odd to find wriggling lizard tails around the back yard or for him to bring in live mice, moles, and birds which he will present to us before chowing down on them. (ask me about the baby quail that escaped into the house sometime) I am quite certain, (although I have not seen it happen) that he unhinges his jaw, and like the giant anaconda, he eats these creatures whole. This past summer he brought down a cute and fuzzy bunny, which was eaten in stages and was buried and unburied all around the yard for a time. I have seen him do many acrobatic tricks when playing with chipmunks and squirrels.

Then there is Hoops & Yoyo, our kittens of 8 months. They are quite active and playful. Hoopsie is the lady of the house and will let you know when she wishes to have you pay attention to her by gently, but firmly, nipping at your finger or even your nose, if that is what she can get to. Yoyo is a long, sleek guy with big ears and at times acts like a puppy with his exuberance. He has a high squeaky voice that is hilarious given his growing size.

Several times since we brought home the kittens (and Imp decided that they were not vile creatures), he has brought in "toys" for them to see. I heartily applaud the mole that was brought in last month, I just wish they didn't have to bring it inside. Well I guess his training has paid off. Tonight Hoops brought in a bat. Which of course, was still alive and when we tried to stop her she let it go and well, it took about 20 minutes of ducking, and chasing but we finally netted the poor little thing and let it go. Hoops of course was quite put out that her "toy" was gone and bounded out the door. I'm sure she'll be back soon with something else.

Monday, February 25, 2008

A new look...

I realized today that I have not posted for quite awhile. But it is not surprising given that I am not even writing my manuscripts. I'm barely even writing grocery lists. I don't like it one bit. People I meet ask me what I do for a living and I feel like such a liar by saying I am a romance writer. HA! I would have to write to be called that.

But that complaint is not the reason for this post. I am forced today to do some introspection. To do something I am not fond of doing, and look deep inside myself for some answers to some questions. I don't like doing this because invariably I do not like what I find inside myself and since I hate change, it is quite difficult to drag the crap out of me or to bring it forth like some vomitous mass and look at it as if I am a forensic expert dealing with a scene of a crime. Although I am loath to do, it needs to be done. I certainly cannot expect my friends to do it. It's a wonder they are still my friends, since I have not done it for some time.

I must dig deep and look hard for the inner path I lost long ago. No, I cannot say I lost it. I'm pretty sure I set it aside for something or someone else. To be a wife, a mother, a caretaker, a lover, a go-to person for all things to be managed. I hung myself up in a closet under one of those environmentally unfriendly bags to be taken out at some future date and aired out. The smell of mothballs is probably quite strong.

I think I need to be aired out? Now comes the first step... where to begin?