Wednesday, January 31, 2007

In the beginning there was fat... and lots of it.

I’m fat? When did that happen? It wasn’t like one day I was slim and trim and then wham, overnight the fat appeared like some glaring zit on your chin. Nor, was it like some monster, slinking down some dark alley searching for an unsuspecting thin body to pounce on and inject its fat globules into your pours.
No, it moved in slowly, a piece at a time. A few too many chips here or another donut there, interspersed with declining physical activity and before you know it, you are out of breath just going up a flight of stairs or red faced from bending over to pick up your napkin from the floor.
I’m sure I noticed it was there; this fat suit on my body. How could I miss the extended waistline or extra chin? Sometimes it was if a thin misty veil fell over my eyes when I looked in the mirror and the person that looked back at me looked absolutely fine. Just fine. Boy, was I well and truly kidding myself.

I started this diary on January 2006. Now clearly I had some issues, since it has taken a year to take control of my life and to get it on track. Perhaps it is the fact that I am turning 46 in May, or it was the fact that I am so frigging tired of stretch pants I could throw up. But whatever the reason, I am now on a better course to fulfill my goal of losing weight and living better.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Got MIlk?

I keep seeing the Carl's Jr. commercial with the two guys shaking the cows. (now I find that a bit disconcerting as well) but the music accompanying the commercial is bugging me. "Milkshake' by Kellis, is actually talking about her ass bringing the boys around. Now it could easily be about her breasts as well. I am no pude by any means but this commercial is offensive and not appropriate for kids and they show it all all times of the day and night.

I can only assume that the guys who made the commercial knew what they were doing by using such a 'catchy' tune and that the ratings folks are clueless

Monday, January 08, 2007

And Away We Go

Okay so I don't post here very much. I do post more often on my other Blog at Live Journal.

I had intended to restart this Blog and make it more personal about me and more about my writing. Ahh the best laid plans... But here goes my question for the moment.

Am I afraid of success or failing?