Monday, February 05, 2007

Die with a T

In the old days, (we're talking 60's to 70's) it was easier to diet in many ways. There were a few pre package meals with a dozen or so unpronounceable chemicals in them and few if any diet plans. You ate a half a grapefruit or a poached egg on plain toast for breakfast, a salad for lunch and for dinner; it was a piece of chicken with salad. Then came the dawning of a new era in the late 80's to 90's with more folks making prepackaged meals and new burgeoning companies starting to sell their 'proven' diet plans. Nutri-Systems, Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig were the fore runners of this and before you can wave a dumbbell, everyone had a weight loss plan to sell you. Move over Jack Lalane, and make room for the mass marketer called reality television. It's what’s for dinner!

I have tried a few of those plans and bought a few of the DVD's too, and the best method that I have found that works.... drum roll please.... COMMON SENSE! Yes, folks it's true... it works. The Biggest loser uses it to great results. I'm happy that they are including more people in their quest to shape up America. Good food choices coupled with activity equals a better mind and body.

But I have to ask. Why do those folks who ate at McArches everyday have the cahones to sue McArches for their fat? They made the choice to eat there? No one forced them. No one forces you to pick up a cigarette and smoke it. It's blatantly printed and shouted to the rooftops how bad they are and yet every day hundreds of people start smoking. It is all about choices.

We have a choice to eat the huge meal or not. We have the choice in our own hands to walk a little more and eat a little less. We have the power.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Onto to a new plan

January is done, (it went rather quickly in my opinion) and February is moving in with no rain and some sun. On Jan. 24, I joined a local gym. It's not much to look at on the outside but inside it is quite nice. Plenty of room, lots of machines that I like and the best perc of all.. Not Crowded! Let me state that of the 6 times I have gone most of the time I am the only one there. Now I like this. I put on my Ipod with headphone and hop on the eliptical and off I go. I can also watch TV, but I will stick with my workout tunes.

I am very proud of myself and with how often I have gone in. I'm on a 2 week freeby right now and I intend to join. There have been a few times in the past where I have gotten fed up with my weight and done something about it but I can not point to one thing that might have triggered this response. Nor can I point to one thing that might have shoved me off the couch this time.... might have been that I am sick of stretch pants and long to wear jeans again. Might be that I want to feel feminine again in some flirty skirt... I don't know but for now I am running with it.